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Showing posts from March, 2018

How to study physics!

Physics is a subject that often gives students many headaches as it includes complex mathematical problems. However, it is a fascinating natural science that has contributed greatly to helping us understand the world around us and to develop technologically. We discuss some top tips below to help you gain an understanding of physics and achieve good exam results in this sub ject.     How to Study Physics: 5 Techniques to Improve your Memory   Master the Basics:   Physics is based on a number of central theories from which everything else develops. It is therefore very likely that the problems you will have to solve in the exam will be based on these core concepts or a variation of these. Consequently, instead of trying to memorize complex problems, it is advisable to assimilate the basic concepts and theories which will help you understand the underlying principles and the connection between different subject s.  Strengthen Your Maths Skills:   As alread

Effect of education on society

Education and society are connected together in a way that one affects the other, so a strong relationship relates them together.  Our society is affected by many aspects, such as educational levels of people, economical standard, culture and many more. Right since the ancient times, quality of life, values at social and individual levels, spiritual and material progress have been direct products of education. Education has the power of improving and changing people’s lives, due to the increase of awareness and the progress of science which improves the life span of human. Such as, hazards and natural disasters could be solved by education and prevent the degeneration of it.  Whenever there was absence of education, in parts of the world, there were dark ages, cruelty and many barbarities. But whenever there is quality education, we see enlightenment, quality life and upward swing in science and technology, since a well-educated citizens push them to higher level of jobs,

Learning process in old days and nowadays

The learning process had a huge progress from old days to nowadays.  Education in the past was specific and the number of schools was small, which was only for the wealthy. In the past, students with special needs were hidden away and forgotten. It was not easy at all. Students used to study under the street lamp, bulbs, candles, due to not much electricity; also they used to arrive to the schools on their feet, despite of storms, wars and many bad circumstances they faced. But the good aspect that there was not much electronics, so children spend their time reading book, novels and helping in the house chores. Whereas, education nowadays is different.  Learning now becomes easier and interactive than the olden times, which holds many ways for students to educate, may be books, internet, softcopies and others. Also, it is much easier to care for documents since they are in the shape of e book as well as pdf, which improves the standard of education. Moreover, teachers ar


What every Teacher needs to know about DYSLEXIA? Children with dyslexia suffer in reading, spelling and / or speaking. The degree of suffering varies from one individual to another based on the type of teaching the person receives and on the inherited differences in brain development.  Characteristics of Dyslexia: Difficulties with accurate word recognition. Poor spelling. Problems in reading comprehension. Reduced reading experience. Symptoms and signs of Dyslexia:   Difficulty in remembering simple sequences, such as: counting to 20, naming the days of the week.   Difficulty in understanding the rhyming of words, such as: fat and cat Pronunciation difficulties. Trouble in remembering names of places and people. Difficulty in remembering spoken directions. Causes of having Dyslexia:   Neuroanatomy (neurological aspect).   Genes and Heredity. Gene-Environment. how to deal with dyslexic students: T aping lectures rather than writing notes, and l

Physics in CARTOONS!!!

It might seem weird to look to the world of cartoons to learn about the physical laws that govern the world, but sometimes cartoons get physics right!  This scene from "Toy Story 3". In this scene, Woody hangs from a tree, caught by his pull string. Then the string retracts, activating his built-in voice recording. The physics here is fairly straightforward, we are measuring the net forces at work on Woody to see how and if he moves. At first, Woody is falling, accelerating toward the ground due to gravity. The string gets caught on tree, so now we get tension force of the string is pulling Woody up. For a second, the tension force is equal to the gravitational force, so Woody hangs motionless. The net forces acting o him are in balance. Then some mechanism in Woody activates, the spring applies extra tension force to the string (we can treat the spring as part of Woody). This increase in tension force exceeds the gravitational force, so Woody begins accelerating upward.

What is physics??

What is physics? The dictionary definition of physics is "the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them", but that really means is that physics is about asking fundamental questions and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting. physicists ask really big questions like: how did the universe begin? how will the universe change in the future? how does the sun keep on shining?  what are the basic building blocks of matter? If you thi nk these questions are fascinating, then you'll like physics!  Physics is the knowledge of nature, which is the natural science that studies matter and its motion and behavior through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves!

About the Webinar I attended

Encouraging physical activity in preschoolers is the webinar that i had attended on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 which was developed by Doctor Sanders. The purpose of the webinar was to guide children to the process of the motor development skills.  The locomotor skill is a branch in the motor skills which is when the body travels through space from one location to another. Adults restrict children play, ban games of tag, no running and teachers are trying to protect students, which is ridiculous in his point of view.  Learning to travel are basic steps that children should be taught to do and improve it. Traveling skills have social and cognitive effects and kids that do not acquire the traveling skills will have problems in their life. Also, moving from crawling to walking has an influence on the language development.  So, how do we help students to develop traveling or locomotor skills in the classroom?? The answer is that to teach these skills we have to provide cues to chi