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reflection on drive, blog, form,webinar and padlet

Upon attending the educational media and technology course, we had experienced till now several google applications that are very helpful and useful for teachers.
Image result for driveDrive
 First of all we began with the drive google application, this drive help us as teacher to share files instantly to others and make it secure from any outer modification unless we give them permission to edit, comment and view. Also we can communicate directly with the receiver by chatting with him. Moreover,   by using drive files are not lost since if we remove a file we can retrieve it.

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Second, we continue with the form google application which helps teachers to make quizzes online and share it with others. moreover the teacher will get the responses directly after the students submitted it.

Third, we have took the Blog google application which you can create your  pages and posts to write your thoughts and work. Also you can label your writing under a specific title so that they will become categorized and ordered.

Image result for webinar iconFourth, we have attended a webinar online, which was very effected and beneficial. It was really interesting how to communicate with others in different countries and replies to you instantly. This webinars facilitates our work and make it easier to attend different talk and get benefit from it.

Image result for icon on padletPadlet
Fifth, we wrote on a wall that is called Padlet our feelings and words to our teachers. This tool is very useful and practical for teachers and others to use. One can create this page and others can write, read and like or rate the writings of others.

Image result for rubistarsixth, we got to know the rubistar. Rubistar is an application that helps the teacher to develop a rubric in less than five minutes. Just getting into the link and choosing which subject and what is the performance, you will get many suggestions to complete your rubric.

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After that, we used the webquest to design a page in order to show the students what they have to do. Students will follow the instructions found on the web quest and the nice thing in it that the students will always refer to it so no missing assignment or steps to do. Moreover, the students will know on what strategy will be assessed, which will improve their performance.
Image result for scientific poster icon

Scientific Poster
More over, we designed a scientific poster based on some instructions to be professional. These instructions made the poster very neat, clear and easy to read. Also, we have websites that make very designs of posters you have just to fill in it the information you have.


  1. At the beginning i thought that these are uselessness application that i would never ever try to use them, but actually after 2 weeks of attending this course i totally changes my minds and such applications are our secret keeper and facilitator for us.

  2. I would like to tell you that your explanation of every app that you mentioned above is very clear and understandable, that makes anyone gets the idea in easy way.Those apps are new for us and when we apply them directly we are finding the benefits of them.
    Good luck dear, you deserve the best really.


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