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About the Webinar I attended

Encouraging physical activity in preschoolers is the webinar that i had attended on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 which was developed by Doctor Sanders. The purpose of the webinar was to guide children to the process of the motor development skills.
 The locomotor skill is a branch in the motor skills which is when the body travels through space from one location to another. Adults restrict children play, ban games of tag, no running and teachers are trying to protect students, which is ridiculous in his point of view. 
Learning to travel are basic steps that children should be taught to do and improve it. Traveling skills have social and cognitive effects and kids that do not acquire the traveling skills will have problems in their life. Also, moving from crawling to walking has an influence on the language development. 
So, how do we help students to develop traveling or locomotor skills in the classroom?? The answer is that to teach these skills we have to provide cues to children, which are words that help students to do the skills better. 
For example, walking includes swings arms, heads up to see their around and balance stops will increase the process of walking. In addition to the cues students and kids in general must have the knowledge component of the skills, when and where to move. As the space awareness which will help students to see their space and its safety, and the effort awareness as the speed, directions and others. Since we practice these skills everyday, we need to set boundaries as the space that you can use your motor skills.
Traveling a locomotor  skill development help children to understand the cues of the skills and the concepts to do these skills better, which will have them to the rest of their lives. In addition to that, it is our responsibility to watch our own movements and go away from hitting anyone.


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